Original Cummins parts. Genuine Cummins spare parts

Cummins Inc. - One of the world's largest manufacturers of diesel engines for trucks, buses, armored vehicles and self-propelled vessels. The company was established in 1919. Now the company owns 57 factories and joint ventures.
For over 80 years, Cummins is a leading manufacturer of diesel engines in the United States. During that time the concern was created own profile engineering unit, which is one of the most famous and competent in the world and established high-tech production of engines installed not only on the brand diesel power plants, but also in heavy transport, ships and other equipment.
Cummins Diesel engines meet the latest requirements in the field of technical, operational and environmental safety. Besides technical development companies are a kind of "starting point" for the engine-building companies all over the world, exposing the new "bar" in the development and production of modern engines.
The highest quality of power plants confirms the long-standing practice of their operation in the most extreme regions of the planet. Power from Cummins engines are successfully operating in the North Pole and Antarctica, Africa and the Sahara desert is definitely showing reliable operation under extreme heat and a steady start at critically low air temperatures. In addition, these power plants are characterized by high efficiency (fuel consumption of 170-18 g / kWh) and is fully suited for use Russian fuel and lubricants without compromising operating life thanks to its unique proprietary fuel supply system Cummins and has no analogues in the world, which is especially important for the domestic market.