Original Hyundai Construction parts. Genuine Hyundai Construction spare parts

Hyundai Engineering and Construction
Hyundai Engineering and Construction - South Korean construction company, founded in 1938, founder of the "Hyundai Group" as «Hyundai Civil Works Company», which in 1950 became a joint stock company and changed its name to "Hyundai Construction Co., Ltd..» ( «Hyundai Construction Co., Ltd. »).
In 1965, soon after the successful completion of the project in Thailand, the Korean construction industry has concentrated its efforts on developing new overseas markets, such as the markets in Vietnam or in the Middle East.
In the Middle East, "Hyundai Construction" was the first in the successful implementation of important overseas projects as the construction of the Arab shipyards, the hotel "Diplomat" in Bahrain, as well as the Jubail project in Saudi Arabia.
At this time, the volume of orders received by Korean construction company exceeded 10 billion US dollars and it was a great help in overcoming the national oil crisis.
The head of the company since 2011 is Jeong Soo Hyun