Original Komatsu parts. Genuine Komatsu spare parts

Komatsu Limited - Japanese engineering company. Headquarters - in Tokyo. The company occupies 453 place in the Fortune Global 500.
In the United States, Europe and the CIS Komatsu represent more than 500 offices and branch network of official distributors, who offer a full range of services - from the sale of all types of equipment to its warranty.
In 1921, Komatsu was founded as a small repair shop construction machinery in Komatsu city on the west coast of Japan entrepreneur Meitaro Takeuchi (Maitaro Takeyuchi). This was preceded by the organization in 1917 Komatsu Iron works Division for the production of coal and mining equipment. To do this, engineers working in of Komatsu, trained in Europe and the United States, focusing on the international level.
Komatsu story in Europe began in the late 60-ies of the last century, when the country began to receive bulldozers, pipe layers, and the other timber, the most in demand at the time of equipment, which has no domestic analogues. Some machines are the first deliveries continue to work to this day. The company "Komatsu CIS" was founded in 2006. The main principles of the company are quality and reliability. The company is engaged in sale and service support road construction and mining equipment, as well as the storage of vehicles KOMATSU. In 2010 KOMATSU plant in Yaroslavl was launched. The basis of production are 20-40 ton excavators (PC200, PC220, PC300, PC400), as well as dump trucks HD785-7. Production capacity: about 3,000 units. technology a year.
Komatsu Special equipment is recognized by experts around the world. Excavators, dump trucks and loaders Japanese production gained fame reliable and unpretentious equipment. At present, the Komatsu Group includes 188 companies focused on the release of high-quality components and equipment for the mining industry, construction companies, and logistic centers.
Releasing excavators, loaders, dumpers, graders, bulldozers and other types of equipment, the company Komatsu based on the principles of innovative technical and technological solutions. This approach can significantly reduce the production costs, optimize the quality management system, as well as to offer the market excavators, loaders and dump trucks the highest performance and reliability at competitive prices.
Our company is able to offer all types of Komatsu special equipment. Always available: excavators, bulldozers, graders, crushers, backhoe loaders, wheel loaders, pipelayers and dump trucks. In addition, a significant place in our assortment allocated spare parts and consumables for excavators, loaders and dump trucks - chassis parts art kit for the internal combustion engine, filters, belts and other top quality products.
As a leading manufacturer of special equipment, Komatsu is able to offer excellent conditions of warranty service of excavators, wheel loaders and dump trucks. Along with flexible pricing and a wide range of additional services, this fact gives us a real advantage over the competition and provides the ability to offer the most favorable conditions for the acquisition of equipment for the customer.