In this section you can read the detailed descriptions, specifications and a range of equipment GREAT PLAINS.
If you intend to buy or order spare parts, you should go to the appropriate section of our website .
In this section you will find information and technical documentation for such equipment GREAT PLAINS as: mechanical seeders, fertilizer application systems, sprayers, tillage systems, rollers for compacting soil, baking powder, cultivator and pneumatic drills, compact and cultivated planters, vertical tillage systems.
Lineup equipment GREAT PLAINS:
1. Drills :
eleven. 2 Sectional Drills:
- 24 'And 30' 2-Section Drill 1982
- 24 'And 30' '2-Section No-Till Drill 1991
- 24 'And 30' 2-Section Drill 1983
- 24 'And 30' 2-Section Drill 1984-1985
- 24ft And 30ft 2-Section No-Till Drill 1993-1994
- 24ft And 30ft 2-Section No-Till Drill Early 1992
- 2N-2410 & 2N-3010 2-Section No-Till Drill 1995+
- 2N-2420 And 2N-3020 2-Section No-Till Drills 1995+
- 2S-2600 And 2S-2600F 2-Section Folding Drill
- 2S-2600HD And 2S-2600HDF 2-Section Folding Drill
- 2SF24 And 2SF30 24ft And 30ft 2-Section Drill 1986+
- 2SNG24 And 2SNG30 24 'And 30' 2-Section Native Grass Drill
- 30ft 2-Section Bean Machine 1994+
. 1.2 Sowing Sectional 3 :
30 '3-Section Folding Drill 1991-1995
30 '3-Section Full Press Drill 1980
30 '3-Section Full Press Drill 1981
30 '3-Section Full Press Drill 1982
30 '3-Section Full Press Drill 1984
30 'High Clearance Full Press Drill 1980-1985
3N-3010 And 3N-3020 No-Till Drills
3N-3010P And 3N-3020P No-Till Precision Seeding System
3N-4010, 3N-4010HDF And 3N-4020 3-Section No-Till Drills
3N-4010P, 3N-4010HDP And 3N-4015P, 3N-4020P And 3N-4025P No-Till Precision Seeding System
3S-3000 and 3S-3000F Folding Drill
3S-3000HD and 3S-3000HDF Folding Drill
3S-4000 and 3S-4000F Folding Drill
3S-4000HD and 3S-4000HDF Folding Drill
3S-4010HD and 3S-4010HDF Folding Drill
3S-5000, 3S-5000F, 3S-5000HD & 3S-5000HDF Folding Drill
3SF36 And 3SF45 Folding Drill 1986+
13. 3-Point Drills
12 'And 15' 3-Point Native Grass Drills
12 'NG Drop Seeder
1200, 1500 And 2000 3-Point Drills 1994+
12ft, 14ft, 15ft And 20ft 3-Point Drills 1991-1993
12ft, 14ft, 15ft, 20ft, 27ft & 30ft (3-Point Drills 1990 & Earlier)
1510HDF, 2010HDF & 2510HDF 3-Point Drills
1510HDP & 1525P Precision Seeding System
1510P And 1520P Precision Seeding System
1515, 2015 And 2515 3-Point Soybean Machine
1520F, 2020F, 2420F, 3-Point Drills
2010HDP & 2025P Bedded Precision Seeding System
2010P And 2020P Precision Seeding System
2015P And 2515P Precision Bean Machine
2020F, 2025F, 2520F & 2525F 3-Point Drill
2020P, 2025P, 2520P & 2525P 3-Point Precision Seeding System Bedded
2025A And 2525A 3-Point Drill With Air-Pro Meters
20ft 3-Point Soybean Machine 1995+
2400, 2410 And 2420 3-Point Drill
2410P And 2420P Precision Seeding System
2510HDP Precision Seeding System
2525P And 2520P Precision Seeding System
2700 And 3000 3-Point Drills
27ft And 30ft 3-Point Drills 1991-1997
3P1006NT 3-Point Drill
3P500 And 3P600 5 "And 6 '3-Point Drills
3P806NT 3-Point No Till Drill 8 ft.
605NT, 3P605NT, 606NT & 3P606NT 6 ft No-Till Drills
8MQR 3-Point Precision Seeding System
LS10 And LS12 Levee Seeder
14. Air Drills
2250 Air Drill Cart 1996+
3N-4010HDA Air Drill Implement
ADC1150 Air Drill Cart 1995-1997
ADC1150 Air Drill Cart 1998+
ADC2220 Air Drill Cart
ADC2350 & ADC2350B Air Drill Cart
ADI345 And ADI334 3-Rank Air Drill Implement 1995+
ADI445 And ADI434 4-Rank Air Drill Implement 1996+
Centurion Cultivator Drill CDA600
CTA4000 Air Drill Implement
CTA4000 HD Air Drill Implement
NTA1000 And NTA1300 3 And 4 Meter No-Till Air Drills
NTA2000 6 Meter No-Till Air Drill
NTA2000D 6 Meter No-Till Air Drill
NTA3510 And NTA3010 No-Till Double Disk Air Drill Implement
NTA607 & NTA2007
NTA607HD & NTA2007HD
NTA907 & NTA3007 No-Till Air Drill
NTA907HD & NTA3007HD No-Till Air Drill
15. Pull Type Drills (6ft to 13ft)
1007 No Till Drill
1205 End Wheel No-Till Drill
1300 13 'End Wheel Drill
13ft End Wheel Drill 1992-1997
605NT, 3P605NT, 606NT & 3P606NT 6 ft No-Till Drills
705 And 1005 End Wheel No-Till Drill
706 And 1006 End Wheel No-Till Drill
7ft And 10ft End Wheel No-Till Drill 1987-1988
7ft And 10ft End Wheel No-Till Drill 1992+
800 End Wheel Drill
CP1000 3 Meter No-Till Drill And Hitch
FCP1000 3 Meter Drill And Hitch
V-300F 3 Meter Drill And Hitch
2. Fertilizer Applicators
2.1. Nutri-Pro 3000-1230 3 Coulter
NP 3000-1230
2.2. Nutri-Pro 30ft & 40ft
NP 30ft. & 40ft.
2.3. Nutri-Pro 4000 & 4000A (2013+)
NP4000 (2013+)
NP4000A (2013+)
2.4. Nutri-Pro 4000-1630 3 Coulter
3. No-Till Hitches
3.1. 12ft, 15ft and 20ft Center Pivot Hitch 1994+
CPH12 (1994+)
CPH15 (1994+)
CPH20 (1994+)
3.2. Allseeds Planting Systems (1994-1999)
AS15 & AS20 (1994-1999)
3.3. Combination Drill Hitch 1985-1990
CDH12, CDH14, CDH15 & CDH20 (1985-1990)
3.4. Planters
3 Point
10303P, 80363P, 80383P And 80403P Wide Row 3-Point Planter
3-Point 40ft. Stacker Planter
3PYP Planter
3PYPA Air Pro Planter
6030 And 8030 And 6 8 Row 3-Point Planter
YP3P425A, YP3P625A & YP3P825A 3-Point Yield Pro Planter
Fertilizer Carts
PFC 1600/2000 Fertilizer Cart
Semi Mounted Cart 500, 735 & 1000 Gallon
Pull Type
PD8070 8 Row Pull-Type Planter
PD8070 8 Row Pull-Type Planter 2007+
PT1230 12 Row Pull-Type Planter
PT6030 And PT8030 6 And 8 Row Pull-Type Planter
Row Units
RU1994 1994-1996 Planter Row Unit
RU1997 1997-1998 Planter Row Unit
RU1999 And SRU1999 1999+ Planter Row Unit
SR5030 Split-Row Planter
YP (Yield-Pro)
3PYP Planter
3PYPA Air Pro Planter
YP1220 Planter
YP1225 And YP1625 Planter (EXPORT)
YP1225 And YP1625 Planter 2005+
YP1225A And YP1625A Air Pro Planter
YP1625 Planter 2004-
YP1625AH Yield Pro Planter
YP1630F Planter
YP2425 Planter
YP2425A Air Pro Planter
YP30 Planter
YP30A Air Pro Planter
YP3P425A, YP3P625A & YP3P825A 3-Point Yield Pro Planter
YP40 Planter
YP40A Air Pro Planter
YP425A, YP625A & YP825A Pull Type Yield Pro Planter
YP44A Air Pro Planter
YP625PD Pull Type Yield Pro Planter (EXPORT)
YP625TD & YP925TD 3-Point Yield Pro Planter (EXPORT)
YP825AR Yield Pro Planter
3.5. Planting Components
Conservation Coulter And Spring Package
Eliminator Kit
Fertilizer Arm Kits
Flat Fold Markers John Deere 30 'Dual 750
Flat Fold Markers John Deere 455 25 'And 30'
Flat Fold Markers John Deere 750 15 'And 20'
Planter Seed-Lok John Deere And Kinze
Planter Seed-Lok White Planters 6100/51000
Terra-Tine Row Cleaner
Terra-Tine Row Cleaner VIII
Utility Coulter And Vantage I-20
Vantage I And Zone Coulter
Vantage II
3.6. Sprayers
10 Gallon Stainless Tank Foam Marker 1993-1995
14 Gallon Poly Tank High Volume Foam Marker 1995+
3P-FF600, 3P-FF800 And 3P-FF900 Front Fold 3-Point Sprayers
3P200 And 3P300 200 And 300 Gallon 3-Point Mounted Sprayer 1994+
3P300 3-Point Mounted Sprayer 2006+
CF50 And CF60 Cross Fold Sprayer Booms 1993-1998
CF500 And CF600 Hydraulic Cross Fold Sprayer Booms
Electric Hydraulic Boom Solenoid 1995+
MF30, MF40 And MF45 1993+ Manual Fold Sprayer Booms
SA700, SA750 And SA1000 700, 750 And 1000 Gallon Single Axle Sprayer 1993-1996
TA500 And TA520S 500 Gallon Tandem Axle Sprayers 1994+
TM500 And TM700 Tractor Mounted Sprayer 1993-1996
TS1000 Trailer Sprayer
TS750 & TS1000 Trailer Sprayer 1996 to 2004
TSF1060 And TSF1260 Front Fold Boom Sprayers
TSF1080, TSF1090, TSF1280 And TSF1290 Front Fold Boom Sprayers
TSF660 Front Fold Boom Sprayer
3.7. Tillage
6,000 Series Harrow
7000 Series Disk
Discovator (Disc And Coulter) Series VII
Discovator (Disc And Coulter) Series VIII
Discovator DVN (Disc And Coulter) Series VIII
Disk Harrow Series I
Field Cultivator, Constant Hitch (8000)
Field Cultivator, Floating Hitch (8000)
Field Cultivator, Floating Hitch Series VII
Field Cultivator, Rigid Hitch Series VII
Plains Plow Series II
Seedbed Conditioner Series I
Stack-Fold Lister / Cultivator
Sub-Soiler Inline Ripper
Turbo Chisel
Turbo Chisel (S / N A1420X +)
Turbo Chisel TCN
Turbo Chopper
Turbo Max
Turbo Max (S / N C2411H + 1200-1500)
Turbo Max (S / N C2411H + 1800-3000)
Turbo Max (S / N C2411H + 3500-4000)
Turbo Till Series I (S / N K1001NN to GP-2758NN)
Turbo Till Series II (S / N GP-2759NN +)
Ultra Chisel
Ultra Till (Disc And Coulter) Series I
Verti-Till Max Cover
Verti-Till Ripper
4. Planters
4.1. 3 Point
10303P, 80363P, 80383P And 80403P Wide Row 3-Point Planter
3-Point 40ft. Stacker Planter
3PYP Planter
3PYPA Air Pro Planter
6030 And 8030 And 6 8 Row 3-Point Planter
YP3P425A, YP3P625A & YP3P825A 3-Point Yield Pro Planter
4.2. Fertilizer Carts
PFC 1600/2000 Fertilizer Cart
Semi Mounted Cart 500, 735 & 1000 Gallon
4.3. Pull Type
PD8070 8 Row Pull-Type Planter
PD8070 8 Row Pull-Type Planter 2007+
PT1230 12 Row Pull-Type Planter
PT6030 And PT8030 6 And 8 Row Pull-Type Planter
4.4. Row Units
RU1994 1994-1996 Planter Row Unit
RU1997 1997-1998 Planter Row Unit
RU1999 And SRU1999 1999+ Planter Row Unit
SR5030 Split-Row Planter
4.5. YP (Yield-Pro)
3PYP Planter
3PYPA Air Pro Planter
YP1220 Planter
YP1225 And YP1625 Planter (EXPORT)
YP1225 And YP1625 Planter 2005+
YP1225A And YP1625A Air Pro Planter
YP1625 Planter 2004-
YP1625AH Yield Pro Planter
YP1630F Planter
YP2425 Planter
YP2425A Air Pro Planter
YP30 Planter
YP30A Air Pro Planter
YP3P425A, YP3P625A & YP3P825A 3-Point Yield Pro Planter
YP40 Planter
YP40A Air Pro Planter
YP425A, YP625A & YP825A Pull Type Yield Pro Planter
YP44A Air Pro Planter
YP625PD Pull Type Yield Pro Planter (EXPORT)
YP625TD & YP925TD 3-Point Yield Pro Planter (EXPORT)
YP825AR Yield Pro Planter
5. Planting Components
Conservation Coulter And Spring Package
Eliminator Kit
Fertilizer Arm Kits
Flat Fold Markers John Deere 30 'Dual 750
Flat Fold Markers John Deere 455 25 'And 30'
Flat Fold Markers John Deere 750 15 'And 20'
Planter Seed-Lok John Deere And Kinze
Planter Seed-Lok White Planters 6100/51000
Terra-Tine Row Cleaner
Terra-Tine Row Cleaner VIII
Utility Coulter And Vantage I-20
Vantage I And Zone Coulter
Vantage II
6. Sprayers
10 Gallon Stainless Tank Foam Marker 1993-1995
14 Gallon Poly Tank High Volume Foam Marker 1995+
3P-FF600, 3P-FF800 And 3P-FF900 Front Fold 3-Point Sprayers
3P200 And 3P300 200 And 300 Gallon 3-Point Mounted Sprayer 1994+
3P300 3-Point Mounted Sprayer 2006+
CF50 And CF60 Cross Fold Sprayer Booms 1993-1998
CF500 And CF600 Hydraulic Cross Fold Sprayer Booms
Electric Hydraulic Boom Solenoid 1995+
MF30, MF40 And MF45 1993+ Manual Fold Sprayer Booms
SA700, SA750 And SA1000 700, 750 And 1000 Gallon Single Axle Sprayer 1993-1996
TA500 And TA520S 500 Gallon Tandem Axle Sprayers 1994+
TM500 And TM700 Tractor Mounted Sprayer 1993-1996
TS1000 Trailer Sprayer
TS750 & TS1000 Trailer Sprayer 1996 to 2004
TSF1060 And TSF1260 Front Fold Boom Sprayers
TSF1080, TSF1090, TSF1280 And TSF1290 Front Fold Boom Sprayers
TSF660 Front Fold Boom Sprayer
7. Tillage
6,000 Series Harrow
7000 Series Disk
Discovator (Disc And Coulter) Series VII
Discovator (Disc And Coulter) Series VIII
Discovator DVN (Disc And Coulter) Series VIII
Disk Harrow Series I
Field Cultivator, Constant Hitch (8000)
Field Cultivator, Floating Hitch (8000)
Field Cultivator, Floating Hitch Series VII
Field Cultivator, Rigid Hitch Series VII
Plains Plow Series II
Seedbed Conditioner Series I
Stack-Fold Lister / Cultivator
Sub-Soiler Inline Ripper
Turbo Chisel
Turbo Chisel (S / N A1420X +)
Turbo Chisel TCN
Turbo Chopper
Turbo Max
Turbo Max (S / N C2411H + 1200-1500)
Turbo Max (S / N C2411H + 1800-3000)
Turbo Max (S / N C2411H + 3500-4000)
Turbo Till Series I (S / N K1001NN to GP-2758NN)
Turbo Till Series II (S / N GP-2759NN +)
Ultra Chisel
Ultra Till (Disc And Coulter) Series I
Verti-Till Max Cover
Verti-Till Ripper