The KUHN - trailer manufacturer of agricultural equipment and spare parts . It produces plows with tillage tools, and seeding systems. Lineup techniques you can learn in the directory. Spare parts KUHN presented on our website in the section KUHN .
In this blog we will collect all the information we have about the models, catalogs of spare parts Kuhn and repair of the equipment instructions. You can fill in turn, blog your reviews and comments.
You can follow any responses to go to the online parts catalog KUHN here
We list the equipment and, where possible, the model produced by the producer, as well as the range of equipment and spare parts The KUHN, for which we are prepared to offer you replacement parts:
1. Spare parts for equipment for plowing Kuhn:
Spare parts for the mounted reversible plows
Kuhn Spare parts for semi-mounted reversible plows models such as
2. Spare parts KUHN for equipment for soil preparation:
Cultivators - subsoilers
Stubble cultivators
Cannon seedbed pochvopodgotovki
3. Kuhn Spare parts for equipment for sowing:
Front Hoppers
mechanical seeders
Drills pneumatic
Pneumatic precision seed drills
4. Equipment and spare parts Kuhn (Kuhn) to Fertilizer
Fertiliser Spreaders
5. Sprinkle
trailed sprayers
6. Care roadsides and parks
Shredder for roadside
Machines for Hedge and grass mowing
Salt spreaders, sand and gravel
7. Shredders
Shredder with horizontal axis
8. The blank feed
disc Mowers
Mower Conditioners
9. Balers
Round balers
Combinations round baler - wrappers
Square baler
10. Feeding
bale Wrappers
11. Choppers
corn Grinders
12. Livestock
Mixer Feeder
Propelled Mixer-Feeder
Blowers, straw distributors and silage
13. Manure spreading
Fertilizer spreaders with rear discharge
Fertiliser dropside