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Primary & Secondary Air Filters

Primary & Secondary Air FiltersThe open and closed end caps are fabricated using a polyurethane material that is highly elastic, and provides a high resistance to vibration and impact. The perfect union of the end caps with the filter paper element makes for uniform seal, that does not permit any bypass of incoming air between these surfaces. The end caps are adhered to the filter element chemically with a soft elastic material, providing the benefit of a perfect seal and assuring the flow of air through the filter medium.


Caterpillar Primary Air Filter Secondary Air Filter
1006845 1006848
1059741 N/A
1063969 1063973
1070266 1127448/1491912
1080671 1080672
1106326 1106331
1131578 1131579
1232367 N/A
1236855 1236856
1304678 1304679
1318822 1318821
1327165 6I2504
1327168 8P5343
1348726 1402334
1355788 1355787
1421339 1421340
1421403 1421404
1467472 1467473
1517737 1890202
1527217 1527219
1805474 1805475
2065234 2065235
2124478 2124477
2229020 2229021
2277448 2277449
2310167 2310168/2098217
2335182 2335184
2453818 2453819
2456375 2456376
2465009 2465010
2515886 1W3636
2525001 2525002
1282686* 6I2502
2567902 2567903
3I2013 N/A
3N2896 2S1286
3S9606 3S4745
4I7575 6I6582
4L9852 4L9851
4L9853 N/A
4M9045 N/A
4N0015 N/A
4N0326 4N0313
4P0710 1131578/4P0711
4S5348 N/A
4S8337 4S8340
4S8833 4S8834
4W5228 1N4864
5I5208 N/A
5L1203 N/A
5S4282 3S4745/3S9606
6I0273 6I0274
6I1450 6I1451
6I2499 6I2500
6I2501 6I2502
6I2503 6I2504
6I2505 6I2506
6I2507 6I2508
6I2509 6I2510
6I2509 6I2510
6I6582 N/A
6N6071 6N6072
7C1572 N/A
7N1225 4N0015
7W3920 2S1284/7C1062
7W5216 1P8482/7N1308
7W5313 1P8482/6N6444
7W5316 1P7360/1P8482/2S1287/8N6883
7W5317 2S1286/9S9972
7W5389 2S1285/4N0313/8N4901
7W5495 1P7360
7W9853 7W9567
7Y0404 5I5208
7Y1196 7Y1197
7Y1323 7Y1322/5I5208
8N5006 N/A
8N5504 4W6691/7W6754
8N6309 8N2556
8T7462 8T7463
4S8337 4S8340


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