Caterpillar Loaders parts

If you need to buy Caterpillar Loaders parts online - You have reached your destination.
There is you can buy online original Caterpillar parts and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts. If you are looking for Caterpillar Loaders parts for such types of CAT Loaders like Compact Wheel Loaders, Small Wheel Loaders, Medium Wheel Loaders, Large Wheel Loaders CAT Loaders, you can buy it online in our online Caterpillar parts store.
Learn more about CAT Loaders models, spare parts for which we are supplying
All the power ranges of Caterpillar Loaders models below.
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 973D SH Loader:
Net Flywheel Power 196.0 kg/mm
Bore 112.0 mm
Displacement 8.8 l
Engine Model Cat C9 ACERT
Net Power 196.0 kg/mm
Regulations Rating at 1,900 rpm
Stroke 149.0 mm
Operating Weight - GP Bucket with Teeth 28058.0 kg
Operating Weight - Trim Blade All Material 28161.0 kg
Operating Weight - With GP Bucket and Teeth 28058.0 kg
Operating Weight - With Trim Blade 28161.0 kg
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 973D SH Loader.
Caterpillar 973D SH Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 963K Loader:
Power 144.0 kW
Engine Model Cat C7.1 ACERT
Net Power - ISO 9249/SAE J1349 144.0 kW
Net Power - ISO 9249/SAE J1349 (DIN) 144.0 kW
Operating Weight 20021.0 kg
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 963K Loader.
Caterpillar 963K Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts store give you an access to more than 1 000 000 Caterpillar parts that we have in our inventory.
Below is a small list of Caterpillar parts for this equipment. However, if you are interested in something - please use the site search.
2347993 - GASKET KIT
1029387 - ELEMENT
2144150 - GAS →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 953K Loader:
Power 115.0 kg/mm
Engine Model Cat C7.1 ACERT
Net Power (Rated) - SAE J1349/ISO 9249 115.0 kg/mm
Net Power - Rated - ISO 9249 (DIN) 115.0 kg/mm
Operating Weight 15355.0 kg
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 953K Loader.
Caterpillar 953K Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts store give you an access to more than 1 000 000 Caterpillar parts that we have in our inventory.
Below is a small list of Caterpillar parts for this equipment. However, if you are interested in something - please use the site search.
9P0175 - HOSE A
5D2335 - HOSE A.
0676 →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 973D Loader:
Power 196.0 kg/mm
Engine Model Cat C9 ACERT
Net Power - ISO 9249 196.0 kg/mm
Net Power - SAE J1349 196.0 kg/mm
Net Power - EEC 80/1269 196.0 kg/mm
Bore 112.0 mm
Stroke 149.0 mm
Displacement 8.8 l
Operating Weight 28058.0 kg
Shipping Weight - Without Bucket 25400.0 kg
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 973D Loader.
Caterpillar 973D Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts store give you an access to more than 1 000 000 Caterpillar parts that we have in our inventory.
Below is a small li →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 963D Loader:
Power 141.0 kg/mm
Engine Model Cat C6.6 ACERT
Net Power - ISO 9249 141.0 kg/mm
Net Power - SAE J1349 141.0 kg/mm
Net Power - EEC 80/1269 141.0 kg/mm
Bore 105.0 mm
Stroke 127.0 mm
Displacement 6.6 l
Operating Weight 20220.0 kg
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 963D Loader.
Caterpillar 963D Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts store give you an access to more than 1 000 000 Caterpillar parts that we have in our inventory.
Below is a small list of Caterpillar parts for this equipment. However, if you ar →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 953D Loader:
Power 110.0 kg/mm
Engine Model Cat C6.6 ACERT
Displacement 6.6 l
Net Power - Caterpillar 110.0 kg/mm
Net Power - ISO 9249 110.0 kg/mm
Net Power - SAE J1349 110.0 kg/mm
Net Power - EEC 80/1269 110.0 kg/mm
Operating Weight 15595.0 kg
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 953D Loader.
Caterpillar 953D Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts store give you an access to more than 1 000 000 Caterpillar parts that we have in our inventory.
Below is a small list of Caterpillar parts for this equipment. However, if you are interested in someth →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 444F2 Loader:
Power - Net 70.9 kW
Bore 105.0 mm
Displacement 4.4 l
Emissions Meets Stage IIIA/Tier 3 equivalent emission standards.
Maximum Torque - 1,400 rpm 398.0 N·m
Model C4.4 74.5 kW Electronic Turbo Intercooled
Operating Weight - Nominal 9606.0 kg
Operating Weight - Maximum 11500.0 kg
4.3 m Extendible Stick - Excluding Front Counterweight 199.0 kg
4.9 m Extendible Stick - Excluding Front Counterweight 354.0 kg
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 444F2 Loader.
Caterpillar 444F2 Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance. →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 434F2 Loader:
Power - Net 64.9 kW
Dimensions - Bore 105.0 mm
Dimensions - Displacement 4.4 l
Dimensions - Stroke 127.0 mm
Engine 3054C 68.5 kW Mechanical Turbo
Maximum Torque 384.0 N·m
Operating Weight - Nominal 9257.0 kg
Operating Weight - Maximum 11500.0 kg
4.3 m Extendible Stick - Excluding Front Counterweight 203.0 kg
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 434F2 Loader.
Caterpillar 434F2 Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts store give you an access to more than 1 000 000 Caterpillar parts that we have in our inventory →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 432F2 Loader:
Power - Net 70.9 kW
Bore 105.0 mm
Displacement 4.4 l
Engine 3054C 74.5 kW Mechanical – Turbo
Maximum Torque - 1,400 rpm 397.0 N·m
Net Power - 2,200 rpm - 80/1269/EEC 70.9 kg/mm
Net Power - 2,200 rpm - ISO 9249 70.9 kg/mm
Operating Weight - Nominal 8479.0 kg
Operating Weight - Maximum 11000.0 kg
4.3 m Extendible Stick - Excluding Front Counterweight 199.0 kg
4.9 m Extendible Stick - Excluding Front Counterweight 354.0 kg
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 432F2 Loader.
Caterpillar 432F2 Loader - it is a big machine. But ev →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 428F2 Loader:
Power - Net 64.9 kW
Dimensions - Bore 105.0 mm
Dimensions - Displacement 4.4 l
Dimensions - Stroke 127.0 mm
Engine 3054C 68.5 kW Mechanical Turbo
Operating Weight - Nominal 8425.0 kg
Operating Weight - Maximum 11000.0 kg
4.3 m Extendible Stick - Excluding Front Counterweight 203.0 kg
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 428F2 Loader.
Caterpillar 428F2 Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts store give you an access to more than 1 000 000 Caterpillar parts that we have in our inventory.
Below is a small list of Caterpillar parts for →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 426F2 Loader:
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 426F2 Loader.
Caterpillar 426F2 Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts store give you an access to more than 1 000 000 Caterpillar parts that we have in our inventory.
2659033 - SENSOR GP-SP
1135932 - HOSE A
1126266 - GUARD A
8S9075 - CONE
10R0537 - PUMP GP-HYD
1063699 - HOSE A
2214960 - HOSE AS
8V6709 - HOSE A
2419466 - MOTOR GP-BRO
1296103 - HOSE
9G2420 - LINK
1243008 - GASKET KIT
4160092 - KIT SEAL
1898622 - MOTOR GP
9S4236 - NUT
1991748 - HOSE AS
5T3694 - HOSE A
2465933 - KIT-SEAL-H.C
2U9766 - HOSE AS
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 422F2 Loader:
Power - Net 52.9 kW
Bore 105.0 mm
Displacement 4.4 l
Maximum Torque - 1,400 rpm 288.0 N·m
Model 3054C 56.5 kW Naturally Aspirated
Operating Weight - Nominal 7529.0 kg
Operating Weight - Maximum 11000.0 kg
4.3 m Extendible Stick - Excluding Front Counterweight 203.0 kg
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 422F2 Loader.
Caterpillar 422F2 Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts store give you an access to more than 1 000 000 Caterpillar parts that we have in our inventory.
Below is a small list of Caterpillar parts for this equi →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 416F2 Loader:
Net Power - SAE J1349 64.0 kW
Bore 105.0 mm
Stroke 127.0 mm
Displacement 4.4 l
Engine Model Cat 3054C Mechanically Turbocharged
Operating Weight - Maximum 11000.0 kg
Cab - ROPS/FOPS 163.0 kg
Four Wheel Drive 178.0 kg
Air Conditioning 46.0 kg
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 416F2 Loader.
Caterpillar 416F2 Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts store give you an access to more than 1 000 000 Caterpillar parts that we have in our inventory.
Below is a small list of Caterpillar parts for this equipment. However →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 993K Loader:
Net Power 726.0 kg/mm
Bore 145.0 mm
Displacement 32.1 l
Engine Model Cat C32 with ACERT Technology
Gross Power - SAE J1995 775.0 kg/mm
Net Power - EEC 80/1269 726.0 kg/mm
Net Power - ISO 14396 764.0 kg/mm
Net Power - ISO 9249 726.0 kg/mm
Net Power - SAE J1349 719.0 kg/mm
Peak Torque - 1,250 rpm 5470.0 N·m
Rated Speed 1800.0 r/min
Stroke 162.0 mm
Torque Rise 33%
Operating Weight 133668.0 kg
Bucket Range 12.2-23.7 m3
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 993K Load →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 994K Loader:
Net Power 1297.0 kW
Engine Model Cat 3516E
Bore 170.0 mm
Stroke 215.0 mm
Displacement 78.1 l
Rated Speed 1,600 rpm
Operating Weight 242605.0 kg
Bucket Capacity Range 19.1-24.5 m3
Rated Payload - High Lift 38.1 t
Rated Payload - Standard 40.8 t
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 994K Loader.
Caterpillar 994K Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts store give you an access to more than 1 000 000 Caterpillar parts that we have in our inventory.
Below is a small list of Caterpillar parts for this →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 992K Loader:
Net Power 607.0 kg/mm
Engine Model Cat C32 ACERT
Gross Power 676.0 kg/mm
Bore 145.0 mm
Stroke 162.0 mm
Displacement 32.1 l
Operating Weight 99275.0 kg
Operating Weight - High Lift** 100072.0 kg
Operating Weight - Standard Lift* 99275.0 kg
Rated Payload - High Lift 19.1 t
Rated Payload - Standard Lift 21.7 t
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 992K Loader.
Caterpillar 992K Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts store give you an access to more than 1 000 000 Caterpillar parts →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 990K Loader:
Net Power 521.0 kg/mm
Engine Model Cat C27 ACERT
Bore 137.2 mm
Stroke 152.4 mm
Displacement 27.03 l
Torque Rise 18.0 %
Operating Weight 80974.0 kg
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 990K Loader.
Caterpillar 990K Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts store give you an access to more than 1 000 000 Caterpillar parts that we have in our inventory.
Below is a small list of Caterpillar parts for this equipment. However, if you are interested in something - please use the site search.
0950979 - BEARIN →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 988K Loader:
Net Power 403.0 kg/mm
Engine Model Cat C18 ACERT
Bore 145.0 mm
Stroke 183.0 mm
Displacement 18.1 l
Torque Rise 58.0 %
Operating Weight 51062.0 kg
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 988K Loader.
Caterpillar 988K Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts store give you an access to more than 1 000 000 Caterpillar parts that we have in our inventory.
Below is a small list of Caterpillar parts for this equipment. However, if you are interested in something - please use the site search.
1057397 - SEAL →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 988H Loader:
Net Power 373.0 kg/mm
Engine Model Cat® C18 ACERT®
Gross Power 414.0 kg/mm
Net Power - ISO 9249 373.0 kg/mm
Gross Power - ISO 3046-2 388.0 kg/mm
Bore 145.0 mm
Stroke 183.0 mm
Displacement 18.1 l
Operating Weight 50144.0 kg
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 988H Loader.
Caterpillar 988H Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts store give you an access to more than 1 000 000 Caterpillar parts that we have in our inventory.
Below is a small list of Caterpillar parts for this equipment. However, if you are i →
Here is some more information about Caterpillar 986K Loader:
Net Power 278.0 kg/mm
Engine Model Cat C15 ACERT
Bore 137.0 mm
Stroke 171.5 mm
Displacement 15.2 l
Operating Weight 44818.0 kg
If you send us your request, we will make you an offer for original and Aftermarket Caterpillar parts for your Caterpillar 986K Loader.
Caterpillar 986K Loader - it is a big machine. But even such machine sometimes needs maintenance.
Our online parts store give you an access to more than 1 000 000 Caterpillar parts that we have in our inventory.
Below is a small list of Caterpillar parts for this equipment. However, if you are interested in something - please use the site search.
1045655 - HOSE
8J1300 - PIN
2A4492 - STUD
8X9629 - HOSE A